Monday, April 20, 2009

The Business of Writing

Creative Writing is fun, I feel good and I am doing something worthwhile. I am accomplishing something, something lasting, a legacy for all to read. The words come and they nurture me. I read them again and again and marvel that I created them.
The words have sound, they tell a story and I enjoy the journey of the story, but what do I do after I've written a story?
Do I leave it on the computer and email it to a few good friends and talk about it with them?
Do I bury it in the shoebox under my bed?

What do I do with my writing?

Well, I must know that in order for me to get my writing out, I must submit it, I must seek out sources to publish in. Newsletters helped me a lot. Most organizations and businesses have company newsletters, so I began to write a story about my relationship with the organizations and/or business that I was part of and then submitted.l

The first time I saw my name in print was in a newsletter and it was on the front page. I still have that newsletter years later. It was the first step in moving my writing from my computer to print.

So write for a newsletter, there are tons on the Internet, the best feeling is to see your name in print. It does wonders for the self esteem. Pick a topic and write about it and submit it, it just might be published.

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