Saturday, August 1, 2009

Combustible Process of Transformation


I want to invite you to become a follower of Transforming Through Writing. On the sidebar near the top is a follower bar, click on it and sign up and you will automatically receive my new posts. Exciting things are happening and I want you to share the journey with me.

On August 22ND, Ray and I will be at The Los Angeles Black Book Expo, and you want to be there. It is so wonderful to be part of the literary community in Los Angeles, and the more I make myself open up to the writing world, opportunities arise.

I am on a journey of discovery, understanding the power and energy that I have in creating my day and as I do, I open up to the wonder of God as new and powerful things begin to manifest in my life. The more I expose myself - the more open and vulnerable I allow myself to be, the more I learn. Thus, the combustible process of transformation continues...

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